Statutes of ENCoRE

(approved at the 13th General Assembly 20 October 2022)

§1 Establishment

(1) There shall be established on 23 May 1998, by the undersigned parties as founding Members and in accordance with the free right of association as stated by the Danish Constitution an international non‐profit network association called European Network of Conservation/Restoration Education ENCoRE.

(2) ENCoRE shall be registered in “Erhvervs‐ og Selskabsstyrelsen” (Danish Commerce and Companies Agency).

(3) The registered address of the ENCoRE shall be The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation, Esplanaden 34, 1263 Copenhagen K, Denmark.


§2 Purposes

The objectives of ENCoRE are to promote research and education in the field of conservation/ restoration of cultural heritage, based on the directions and recommendations given in the E.C.C.O. Professional Guidelines (Annex 1) and The Document of Pavia (Annex 2).

(1) Research: ENCoRE will

  •  instigate, establish and promote research within the discipline of conservation/restoration

  •  instigate, establish and promote collaboration in research between academic institutions of education in conservation/restoration in Europe and other institutions active in research

  •  it will provide the academic end users responsible for the preservation of cultural heritage in Europe with research results and amplify the impact of research on academic conservation/restoration study programs in Europe.

ENCoRE will meet these purposes

  •  by disseminating the results of research projects 1
  • by disseminating information relating to research activities

  • by promoting the opportunity and increasing the efficiency of collaborative research

    in conservation/restoration

  • by furthering integration of research into conservation/restoration education

  • by establishing and publishing a multilingual glossary of terms in conservation/restoration

(2) Education:

ENCoRE will

  • advance and develop academic education in conservation/restoration in Europe to the highest level

  • instigate, establish and promote collaboration in education between institutions in conservation/restoration in Europe and with other institutions providing a high quality of conservation/restoration activities

ENCoRE will meet these purposes

  • by encouraging the application of the European Credit Transference System (ECTS) to facilitate the comparability of academic institutions for conservation/ restoration education

  • by encouraging the application of ECTS to facilitate the mobility of students of academic institutions for conservation/restoration education

  • by promoting the exchange of students and teachers of conservation/ restoration

  • by promoting study visits by staff and students from institutions providing high quality conservation/restoration activities

(3) The aims of ENCoRE shall be pursued without political, linguistic or ethnic discrimination and based on human rights, including freedom of speech.

(4) ENCoRE shall not be party to any dispute involving its Members


§3 Membership

ENCoRE shall have four categories of Membership.

(1) Full Membership: any academic institution within Europe which provides education and research providing 300 ECTS in conservation‐restoration as the core subject leading to a Master ́s level Degree from a university (or from an equivalent institution as recognised by a governmental body), corresponding to level 7 of the European Qualification Framework / EQF, and which recognises the purposes of ENCoRE.

The curriculum provided has to show a ratio of theory and practice approximately 1 : 1 and comply with the contents of the Document on Practice in Conservation‐Restoration Education. Furthermore, it has to provide education and research according to the definitions given in the E.C.C.O. Competences for Access to the Conservation‐Restoration Profession.

(2) Associate Membership: any academic institution within Europe which provides education and research providing at least 120 ECTS in conservation‐restoration as the core subject leading to a Master ́s level Degree from a university (or from an equivalent institution as recognised by a governmental body), corresponding to level 7 of the European Qualification Framework / EQF, and which recognises the purposes of ENCoRE.
any academic institution within Europe which provides education and research providing at least 240 ECTS in conservation‐restoration as the core subject leading to a Bachelor ́s level Degree or a Bachelor ́s degree and a Master’s degree which is a university (or an equivalent institution as recognised by a governmental body), corresponding at least to level 6 of the European Qualification Framework / EQF, and which recognises the purposes of ENCoRE.

The curriculum provided has to show a ratio of theory and practice approximately 1 : 1 and comply with the contents of the Document on Practice in Conservation‐Restoration Education[1]. Furthermore, it has to provide education and research according to the definitions given in the E.C.C.O. Competences for Access to the Conservation‐Restoration Profession[2].

(3) Membership “under Review”: If a Full or an Associate Member no longer fulfils the criteria (excluding subscriptions) for membership and the General Assembly considers the situation to be temporary, the institution may remain with membership status “under review” until the next General Assembly, when its status will be reviewed. If the situation is not yet resolved, then the membership status will remain “under review” only until the subsequent General Assembly, at which a final decision will have to be taken.

A member “under review” will have no voting rights, but payment of the membership subscription is still required.

(4) (3) Honorary Member: any individual who has served the purposes and aims of ENCoRE to an outstanding degree

(5) (4) Supporting Member: any individual or institution who by financial or other means supports ENCoRE to fulfil its purposes and reach its aims


§4 Application for Membership

(1) An institution wishing to become a Full Member or an Associate Member must submit to the Board of ENCoRE a written application for Membership, accompanied by the following documents:

  • complete documentation of the legal status of the institution and degree (such as Act of Education, statutes, examination regulations and study rules) in the original language

  • an official letter certifying the legal status of the institution and degree in English

  • a short description of the structure of the institution in English

  • information on the research activity of the institution in the field of conservation/restoration if available

  • a copy of its detailed study program, according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), if available

(2) The application has to be authorised by the institution.

(3) The school must be visited by 2 delegates from ENCoRE members appointed by the Board.
Delegates report to the Board.

The Board shall present the application and the report to the next General Assembly for approval.

(4) Applicants wishing to become Supporting Member must submit to the Board a written application for Membership.


§5 Membership Subscriptions

(1) Acting on a proposal from the Board, the amount of the subscriptions shall be decided by the General Assembly.

(2) Changes in the amount of the subscriptions are decided by the General Assembly.


§6 Termination of Membership

(1) Membership shall be terminated:

  • by resignation following a written request to the Board

  • for non‐payment of the subscription, after a lapse of 24 months previous to the beginning of the current Calendar year

  • by the merger, absorption or abolishment of the Member institution, unless the Board however recognises the maintenance of the Membership status under the new conditions

  • following the loss of one of the conditions of Membership.

(2) If a membership has been terminated due to non‐payment, new membership cannot be achieved until payment for the last two lapsed years has been received.

(3) Members which resign or are expelled shall have no claim on the assets and resources of ENCoRE and may not claim reimbursement of their subscriptions.


§7 Partnership

(1) Partnership is open to European or other institutions providing a high quality of conservation/restoration activities and/or research and which are willing to cooperate with ENCoRE and want to further the purposes of ENCoRE. There is no subscription fee for Partnership.

(2) Institutions wishing to become Partners in ENCoRE are invited to submit to the Board a written application for partnership and information on the institution.

(3) Partnership can be terminated by a decision of the General Assembly, due to failure to comply with one of the conditions for Partnership.


§8 Assets
The assets of ENCoRE shall comprise the subscriptions of the Members, gifts, bequests and

European, national or regional grants, as well as any other means of funding.


§9 General Assembly

(1) The Ordinary General Assembly shall be held at least every second year at the time and place designated in the notice of the meeting which will be sent to all Members at least two months before the appointed date and which will contain the draft of the General Assembly agenda.

(2) Any Member may request in writing at least one month in advance that an item be placed on the agenda of an Ordinary General Assembly. The General Assembly shall vote only on items appearing on the definitive agenda. The definitive agenda shall be sent to all Members convened to the General Assembly at least two weeks before the meeting date.

(3) An Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened either by the Board at its discretion, or by written request from at least one‐third of the Members sent by registered post to the Board.

(4) Each Full Member and Associated Member shall only be represented by a maximum of two mandated delegates and one observer.

(4b) The General Assembly may admit guests to attend some or all of the topics of the agenda with a simple majority vote of the Members present.

(5) Honorary Members are appointed by the General Assembly after a proposition through the Board by two Full Members.

(6) The General Assembly shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Board of ENCoRE, or in the absence of the chairman – a member of the Board.

(7) The General Assembly will decide on:

  • proposal and discussion of projects and policies

  • modification of the statutes

  • admission and expulsion of Members and Partners

  • appointment and dismissal of Board Members

  • the approval of the report of activities and accounts for the previous period and the budget for the following period year

  • the subscription

  • the dissolution of ENCoRE

(8) Every Full Member has two votes, every Associate Member has one vote. If a membership fee has not been paid for the year previous to the meeting, the member cannot vote or stand for the board.

(9) Modification of the statutes, expulsion of a Member and dissolution of ENCoRE require a two‐thirds majority in terms of votes by the members present.

(10) Except where otherwise provided for in these statutes or under existing laws, decisions shall be made by an absolute majority vote of the Members present or represented by written proxy. Each voting delegate can only carry a written proxy from one other Member institution

(11) In the absence of a quorum (50%), an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened at least fifteen minutes after the time initially set up for the General Assembly and shall take decisions by a two‐thirds majority of voting delegates physically present.


§10 Board

(1) ENCoRE shall be administered by a Board of seven to nine Members elected by the General Assembly from among the delegates of the Full Members and of the Associate Members. No more than 2 delegates from Associate Members can be Members of the Board.

(1a) The Board may appoint with a majority of 2/3 up to 3 Advisors to the Board. Advisors to the Board have no vote.

(2) The Board shall have the sole responsibility for management and administration in all matters outside the powers assigned to the General Assembly.

(3) If nominations permit, candidates should come from different countries of the European Union.

(4) Elected Board Members shall elect from among their number a Chairman, a Vice‐ Chairman, a Treasurer, a Secretary and a Vice‐Secretary. The Chairman has to be a delegate of a Full Member.

(5) If a Board Member loses her/his mandate as a delegate, she/he loses her/his Chair in the Board

(6) Should a vacancy arise for the office of a Board Member, the General Assembly shall provide for a substitute at its next meeting.

(7) If one or more Board Members fail to discharge their duties, the remaining Members of the Board may convene an Extraordinary General Assembly to replace them, one month after having invited the Chairman to place the matter on the agenda of the Board.

(8) The Board has the mandate to

  • delegate day‐to‐day management to its Chairman or a Member of the Board

  • on its responsibility in addition confer clearly‐defined special powers on individuals representing a Full Member or an Associate Member

  • admit Partners

  • prepare and decide upon the draft and definitive agenda of the General Assembly

  • decide and announce the time and place of the General Assembly

(9) To be quorate, meetings of the Board must be attended by a simple majority of its members.

(10) Minutes shall be drawn up after each meeting.

(11) Except where otherwise provided in these Statutes decisions and resolutions of the Board shall be adopted by a majority vote of Members present, with the Chairman having a casting vote.

(12) Except in the case of special proxy arrangements, any decision which binds ENCoRE shall be signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of Board who shall not be answerable to third parties as regards the powers to this end.

(13) The Board, represented by its Chairman or a Board Member appointed for this purpose by the chairman, shall represent ENCoRE to the community/public.

(14) The Board, represented by its Chairman or a Board Member appointed for this purpose by the chairman, shall monitor legal proceedings in its capacity either as a plaintiff or defendant.

(15) ENCoRE shall be responsible for faults attributable to those acting as its agents. Board Members shall not incur any personal liability as a result of commitments entered by the ENCoRE. Their responsibility shall be limited to the faults committed during their administration. Full Members or Associate Members shall not be liable to faults committed by ENCoRE.

(16) The financial liabilities of ENCoRE are limited to its assets.

(17) The Board is obliged to ensure that the full name of ENCoRE is cited when entering into agreements on behalf of ENCoRE, and it must be stated that ENCoRE is a non‐profit association.

(18) The Board is obliged to report on its activities to the Members at the General Assembly.


§11 Auditors

(1) Two auditors shall be appointed on the occasion of each Ordinary General Assembly. They shall audit the accounts and report to the General Assembly.

(2) One of the auditors may convene an Extraordinary General Assembly.


§12 Dissolution and distribution of assets

(1) In the case of dissolution of ENCoRE, any balance remaining after settlement of its debts shall be transferred to an Organisation or Foundation with objectives similar to those of ENCoRE.

(2) On dissolution no part of the assets of ENCoRE may be allotted to the Members of ENCoRE.


§13 Language
(1) The language of ENCoRE is English. Official documents such as minutes of meetings,

budgets and convening notices must be published in English.
(2) Each Full Member or Associate Member is allowed to translate the ENCoRE statutes and

other relevant documents of ENCoRE if it is considered necessary.
(3) All translations shall be marked “translation” and make reference to the original text,

which shall have sole validity.
(4) It shall be possible in the languages of the European Community to call the Network by

any name consistent with its main title, provided that the acronym “ENCoRE” is not changed.


§14 Communications

All communications must be received by the deadlines established by the Board.

Communication by email is accepted with equal validity as mail.


[1] Document on Practice in Conservation‐Restoration Education, ENCoRE 2014

[2] Competences for Access to the Conservation‐Restoration Profession , European Confederation of Conservator‐Restorers ́ Organisations, 2011.