Statutes of ENCoRE
1: Name, Seat and Field of Activity
(1) The association “Europäisches Netzwerk für Ausbildung in Konservierung-Restaurierung” uses the
acronym “ENCoRE”, which stands for “European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education”.
(2) ENCoRE is a non-profit association based at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz 3, 1010
Vienna, Austria, active mainly in Europe but also worldwide. ENCoRE is active in the field of education in
conservation-restoration of cultural heritage.
(3) There are no plans to establish branch organisations.
Clarification Paper
Clarification of Conservation/Restoration Education at University Level or Recognised Equivalent
The ENCoRE Document on Practice in Conservation-Restoration Education (2014)
The profession of the conservator-restorer was defined for the first time at an international level in 1984 by ICOM-CC in The conservator-restorer: a definition of the profession.[1] During the nearly 3 decades since then the profession issued a number of European documents and position papers.