Wolfgang Baatz, Deputy Treasurer

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, ICR; Austria

Wolfgang Baatz is Professor Emeritus at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. After a Master´s degree in conservation in 1978, he worked for 16 years as a freelance conservator, mainly on mural paintings. From 1985 he studied chemistry at the Technical University Vienna, finishing with another Master´s degree (Graded Engineer). In 1994 he was appointed Full Professor for Conservation-Restoration and started to build up the Institute for Conservation-Restoration of which he was head until 2022 when he retired.

Wolfgang was one of the three founders of ENCoRE (1998) and is Chairman since 2010. Numerous research activities, mainly in the course of teaching conservation practice; consultancy for some important projects: conservation works at the Palais Epstein Vienna, condition assessment of the Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt, supervising the condition assessment prior to the conservation works at the Austrian Parliament building.

From 2018 to 2022 was leading a project dealing with the oral history of conservation in Austria. Since 2021 he takes part in the Erasmus+ Blueprint project CHARTER where he is leader of the work package for training and education.

Sabina Simonic, Treasurer

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria

Sabina Simonič is Senior Scientist at the Institute for Conservation and Restoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.

She is specialized in conservation of modern and contemporary art and has been working as a freelance conservator since 2003.

From 2009-2012 she served as chairwoman of the Austrian Hackerspace Metalab and is a founding member of the feminist Hackerspace Mz Baltazar’s Lab. She has been an active member of the Senate of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna since 2016 and has held the position of Vice Chair of the Senate in 2019.

Currently she is Vice President of the Professional Association of Austrian Restorers ÖRV, board member of the European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education ENCoRE, and is currently the Austrian Delegate at the European Confederation of Conservators-Restorers’ Organizations ECCO.

Nico Broers, Deputy Chair

Saint Luc Higher Education in Arts, Belgium

Nico Broers holds a Master degree in Conservation of Fine Art from Northumbria University Newcastle, UK. He is a professor in the department of Conservation-Restoration of Works of Art at the École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc in Liège, is a member of the AAP (Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine) research unit of the ULiège and has been working in the public and private sectors since 2003. With professional experience in the field of painting conservation as well as conservation of modern and contemporary art, he is primarily interested in the role of education and research in conservation-restoration. He joined the board of ENCoRE in 2014 and is currently serving as vice treasurer. He is active as a member of the board of the Professional Conservator-Restorer Association in Belgium (APROA/BRK), and a member of the editorial board of CeROArt, an online publication and a platfom for pluridisicplinary approaches in issues of conservation, exhibition and restoration of works of art.

Laura Fuster-Lopez, Chair

Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

Laura Fuster-López is a Professor at the Conservation Department in the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain. After several research fellowships at Istituto Centrale per il Restauro and the Smithsonian Institution, she got her PhD in Conservation with honors from UPV where she coordinates the area on the study of the mechanical and dimensional properties of cultural materials since 2007. She has been involved in numerous international R+D projects always with a special focus on understanding the mechanisms involved in paintings behavior and degradation and their implications in the design of conservation strategies. She serves as expert for several European Research Agencies and research programs of the European Commission and the United States. Apart from presenting her research in peer reviewed journals, books, conferences and symposia, she has supervised many BA, MA and PhD projects as well as research internships. She is particularly interested in education, lifelong learning and dissemination, having served as assistant coordinator of ICOM-CC Education & Training Working Group (2011-2021) and having been responsible for many international conferences and workshops since 2005. She is currently Vice-chair of the European Network for Conservation Restoration Education (ENCoRE), where she has been actively involved since 2010. Finally, she is founding member of the digital platform AcCESS- Academic Conservation Education Sharing Site, (see News in Conservation, vol. 78, June 2020), editor-in-chief of the series Conservation 360º, (https://monografias.editorial.upv.es/index.php/con_360/issue/archive) and member of the Editorial Board of GE_Conservación, the Journal of the Spanish Group of IIC (https://ge-iic.com/ojs/index.php/revista).

Adrian Heritage, Board member

Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Adrian Heritage M.A. DIPL. CONS (Courtauld) ACR, FIIC was appointed Professor of Wall Paintings Conservation at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences (Technische Hochschule Köln) in March 2002. Adrian’s primary teaching and research areas are conservation philosophy, conservation approaches for wall painting and Street Art, preventive conservation, and research into deterioration processes of porous building materials. Adrian has taken over 200 German and Polish students and young conservators to the Auschwitz- Birkenau Museum in Poland to undertake conservation work in this place of memory (an ongoing annual project since 2003). Adrian has been involved in numerous national and international research projects. In 2016, together with physicist Prof. Dr Birgit Kanngießer (Technical University Berlin) and archaeologist Prof. Dr Stephan G. Schmid (Humboldt University Berlin), they led the multidisciplinary Petra Painting Conservation Project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In addition, Adrian has undertaken extensive research into and publications on salt-reduction methodologies for wall paintings and stone.