Southampton City Art Gallery

CWI Centre
GB-Southampton SO14 7LP
Phone: +44 1703 832203
Royal Pavillion, Libraries and Museums, Brighton

4 & 5 Pavillion Buildings, Brighton
GB-Sussex BN1 1EE
Phone: +44 1273 290900
National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside

The Conservation Centre
GB-Liverpool LI 6H2
Phone: +44 151 478 4802
National Museums and Galleries of Wales

Cathays Park
GB-Cardiff CF10 3NP
UK, Cardiff
Phone: +44 1222 573245
Historic Scotland Conservation Centre

3 Stenhouse Mill Lane
Edinburgh EH11 3LR, UK
Phone: +44 131 443 5635
Council for the Care of Churches

Fielden House
13 Little College Street
GB-London SW1P 3SH, UK
Phone: +44 171 898 1688
Sinop Arkeolji Müzesi (Sinop Mueum of Archaeology)

Okullar Caddesi No 2
TR-5700 Sinop
Phone: +90 368 261 19 75
Studio Västsvensk Konservering

Väverigatan 13
415 11 Göteborg
Phone: +46 709 722 344
Phone: +46 10 441 43 27
Conservation Department at Diputación Foral de Álava

Servicio de Restauración. Departamento de Cultura. C/ Urartea, 4. 01010. Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava). Spain
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

NTNU University Museum
N-7491 Trondheim
Phone:+47 73 59 21 63
Fondazione CCR

Centro per la Conservazione ed il Restauro dei Beni Culturali
La Venaria Reale, Italy
Via XX Settembre 18
10078 Venaria reale (TO)
Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo

Lanfranco Secco Suardo
Via Mazzini 13
Italy, Lurano
I-24050 Lurano (BG)
Phone: +39-0-35 800 530
R.G.I. Resource Group Integrator srl

Viale Nazario Sauro 8
Calata Gadda
I-16145 Genova GE
Phone: +39- 010 3626002
Hamburger Restaurierungspraktikum

Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte
Holstenwall 24
D-20355 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49 40 428132-2375
Lehrstuhl Archäometallurgie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Fakultät Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie
Gustav Zeuner Strasse 5
D-09596 Freiberg, Germany
Phone: +49 3731 393353
Hornemann Institut

Kardinal Bertram Strasse 36
D-31134-Hildesheim, Germany
Phone: +49 5121 408179
Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science

Technical University of Munich, Chair of Conservation-Restoration, Art Technology and Conservation Science, Oettingenstr.
15 80538 Munich,
Phone: +49 89 21124 568

36, Rue Geoffroy Saint Hillaire
F-75005 Paris, France
Phone: +33-1-44086990
Fax: +33-1-47076295