Nico Broers, Deputy Chair

Nico Broers, Deputy Chair

Saint Luc Higher Education in Arts, Belgium

Nico Broers holds a Master degree in Conservation of Fine Art from Northumbria University Newcastle, UK. He is a professor in the department of Conservation-Restoration of Works of Art at the École Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc in Liège, is a member of the AAP (Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine) research unit of the ULiège and has been working in the public and private sectors since 2003. With professional experience in the field of painting conservation as well as conservation of modern and contemporary art, he is primarily interested in the role of education and research in conservation-restoration. He joined the board of ENCoRE in 2014 and is currently serving as vice treasurer. He is active as a member of the board of the Professional Conservator-Restorer Association in Belgium (APROA/BRK), and a member of the editorial board of CeROArt, an online publication and a platfom for pluridisicplinary approaches in issues of conservation, exhibition and restoration of works of art.