Laura Fuster-Lopez, Chair
Laura Fuster-López is a Professor at the Conservation Department in the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain. After several research fellowships at Istituto Centrale per il Restauro and the Smithsonian Institution, she got her PhD in Conservation with honors from UPV where she coordinates the area on the study of the mechanical and dimensional properties of cultural materials since 2007. She has been involved in numerous international R+D projects always with a special focus on understanding the mechanisms involved in paintings behavior and degradation and their implications in the design of conservation strategies. She serves as expert for several European Research Agencies and research programs of the European Commission and the United States. Apart from presenting her research in peer reviewed journals, books, conferences and symposia, she has supervised many BA, MA and PhD projects as well as research internships. She is particularly interested in education, lifelong learning and dissemination, having served as assistant coordinator of ICOM-CC Education & Training Working Group (2011-2021) and having been responsible for many international conferences and workshops since 2005. She is currently Vice-chair of the European Network for Conservation Restoration Education (ENCoRE), where she has been actively involved since 2010. Finally, she is founding member of the digital platform AcCESS- Academic Conservation Education Sharing Site, (see News in Conservation, vol. 78, June 2020), editor-in-chief of the series Conservation 360º, ( and member of the Editorial Board of GE_Conservación, the Journal of the Spanish Group of IIC (